Hagerstown Herald Mail New Business Feature

On November 2, 2013, the VineBuzz team was featured in the New Business section of the Hagerstown Herald Mail. We were honored to be included!

Click here to view the article online.


Posted: Saturday, November 2, 2013 11:45 pm | Updated: 4:30 pm, Fri Nov 8, 2013.


Name of business: VineBUZZ

Owners: Ken Garber and Liesl Lukacs

Address: Hagerstown

Opening date: June 1, 2013

Products and services: We offer social media marketing strategies and content creation, which means we use our expertise to be the voice of a company that wants to speak to customers through Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, etc. Our top priority is engagement with a company’s client base, so when goods and services are needed, they are on top of the list. We also offer content creation for websites. Many businesses do not realize the importance of using the right words in the right way in order to rank higher when potential clients are searching online for goods and services.

Target market: Tri-State area

How did you get into your business, and what motivated you to start it? Garber and Lukacs have backgrounds in the newspaper industry and the Web world. They noticed many companies have a need for keeping up with the constant conversations and key word searches that are happening online at every second of the day. Companies often make it an “other duty” for an employee who has 10 other duties, so it tends to not be effective. They understand the power of social media and the right way to approach it from a business perspective.

Previous business experience: Lukacs was the head of the help desk department of USA Today and is currently a contracted employee of Web Strategies in Winchester, Va. Garber was a journalist and marketing manager with a number of newspapers in the Washington, D.C., market, including The Gazette newspapers and The Herald-Mail Co., and marketing manager for High Rock Studios, a Web-development company and advertising agency in Hagerstown.

Number of employees: Two

Hours: 24/7 or whenever the Internet is online. However, we prefer to be contacted by potential clients during normal business hours of dawn to dusk.

Phone number: 304-358-0203

Email: info@vinebuzzweb.com

Website: www.vinebuzzweb.com

Facebook page: Vinebuzz